• Do you feel confused about how to market your business?
  • Does social media kind of stress you out?
  • Are you ready to share your gifts with the world in a bigger way… but you’re scared to put yourself out there?
  • Are you unclear about your niche your message… and what makes you stand out from all the other people in your industry?
  • Do you love helping peoplebut asking them to pay you feels super uncomfortable?
  • Do you struggle with self-doubt, fear of failure, and fear of rejection? (And it’s getting in the way of you growing your business?)
  • Do you look at other “soulful service providers” making $5K-$10K+ per month… and wonder what they know that you don’t?
  • … Or maybe you’ve hit $5K-$10K+ months before but your income has been inconsistent, and you’re not sure what you’re doing wrong?
  • Have you bought a bunch of courses on social media & online marketing – but they haven’t gotten you any paying clients?
  • Are you feeling discouraged because you know deep down this is what you’re meant to do, but it just isn’t taking off the way you need it to?
  • Do you keep getting stuck in perfectionism or procrastination?
  • Or – are you simply tired of complicated online marketing strategies, and you’re ready for a simplified approach to grow your business?

I’ve been there…

My “Failure to $500K” Story

Five years ago, I was ready to transition from my marketing career into work I truly loved.

I wanted to become a coach, but the truth is, I was terrified.

I had spent years building up a stable 6-figure+ income, and a great reputation in my industry. It felt crazy to throw that all away and start over from scratch.

It didn’t help that I’d tried to make the “leap” into coaching a year prior to that – and failed miserably.

(After promoting my new business on social media for a while, I got ONE client who was paying me next-to-nothing… and within 60 days I was running out of money and had to go back to my marketing career. I was so discouraged and embarrassed. I thought I’d never try again.)

Fast-forward to 2018, and I had my “turning point” moment.

I realized I’d been trying so hard to figure it out on my own – but that obviously wasn’t working. So I decided to get support.

I worked with my first coach, then another, then another.

Within 8 months, I was making 6 figures in my new business, and was able to quit my marketing career.

Within 2 years, I was making multiple 6-figures.

And within 3 years, I’d hit the $500K mark.

So, what changed?

  • I got CLARITY about my unique gifts and who I wanted to serve.
  • I upgraded my MINDSET and overcame the self-doubt, fears & patterns that had held me back in the past.
  • I designed HIGH VALUE offers that people were excited to sign up for.
  • I learned an authentic approach to SALES that helped me fill my programs with ideal clients.
  • … and when I got stuck, I had the SUPPORT I needed to break through.

No complicated marketing necessary.

To be totally honest, I did eventually go through a phase where I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into hiring marketing experts, growing my team, and trying lots of “fancy” strategies like paid ads and marketing funnels

… but it was a total flop!

80-90% of our revenue STILL came from our warm network, referrals, and the simple marketing strategies I’d followed since Day 1.

Which is when it hit me… I already knew what worked to grow a thriving 6-figure (and even multiple 6-figure) business!

So why was I overcomplicating it??

I scaled back the team, stopped the ads, and went back to the “basics.”

And I got my time back, my energy & inspiration back, and our business continued to grow and thrive! (Plus, we became a lot more profitable.)

Which is when I knew… I needed to share this with others.

I saw so many people struggling the way I did when I was first starting out – or later – when I bought into the myth that you need more/fancier marketing strategies to be successful.

(Which, as you’re probably getting by now, is simply NOT true.)

I had been teaching these strategies to private clients and in an intimate group coaching program for a while, with phenomenal results.

Coaches, consultants, bookkeepers, interior designers, and other soulful service-based business owners were all able to use the “Simplified Business System” to get crystal clear, confident, and to find & enroll their dream clients!

So, I decided to take the best of the best of what I’ve learned over the past decade of building two 6-figure+ companies – and especially in the past 5 years of growing my “soul-led” coaching business…

… and I created the Simplified Business Bootcamp.

10 modules.
3 powerful bonuses.
Lifetime access to the curriculum.
Plus – the option for 1:1 coaching sessions with me.

… All designed to teach you everything you need to grow your soulful, service-based business WITHOUT paid ads, complicated marketing, or feeling chained to your laptop 24/7.

This is for you if you’re a:

  • Coach or Consultant
  • Therapist
  • Expert (hypnotherapist, astrologer, etc.)
  • Author
  • Freelancer (copywriter, graphic designer, photographer)
  • Interior Designer
  • … or anyone with a passion-fueled, people-focused business

It’s great for start-up and early-stage entrepreneurs, AND those of you who have been at it for a while, but you’re just not seeing the results you know you’re capable of.

"Before we worked together I was not just afraid to go after my dreams – I was afraid to dream. (I thought it would be better to not dream, than to dream and be disappointed.)

Makena helped me rediscover my bigger dreams, and the step-by-step plan to start making them a reality. With her support, I got the courage to leave my job and become my own boss.

I tripled my income in a matter of weeks – and now I’m making 4-5X my previous income. I moved into my dream apartment. Opportunities are coming to me left and right.

I had no idea this was possible. I had tried to go out on my own so many times, but I really needed the support & accountability to make it happen. Thank you!"

- Tanya

(Hairstylist | Texas)

"I was one of those people who didn't know how to get clients, or how to do all the business stuff. I didn’t like it, and I didn’t want to go there. And I had a good life! I wasn’t unhappy, but I sensed that I wasn’t being completely authentic with who I am. And I do think I was walking towards burnout. Finally, it came to a point where I said, “I’m changing things right now.”

I didn’t have the money when I signed up, and that really scared me. But I trusted you, and I trusted the program, so I signed up on a payment plan. And I ended up earning my money back, and more, while I was in the training. So in some ways, I think you’re very cheap! ;)

I gained so much confidence. I raised my prices, which was unthinkable to me before. I used to get so confused when it came to business, but you made it so clear and step-by-step. So I decided to just follow the instructions exactly. And guess what? They work!"

- Nicole

(Actress & Life Coach | Germany)

"Before working with Makena, I was very stressed. I was having anxiety attacks almost daily. My relationships with my husband and my kids were not doing well. I was struggling just to get through my day. I was doing okay financially – but the motivation to grow my business just wasn’t really there.

After working with you, my income jumped from $90K to $145,000 in one year. (And I’m aiming for $200,000 next!)

I’m anxiety-free – and no longer have anxiety attacks. I’m so much clearer. I know what I want, and how I'm going to get there. I’m more relaxed and at ease. I’m no longer the reactive person I was in my relationships. With my husband, we laugh now. We go on dates. And I spend lots of quality time with my kids.

I came into the coaching for my business, and everything else was a huge bonus. Thank you for everything!"

- Lisa

(Bookkeeper | Maryland)

As someone said to me the other day, “it’s like a business in a box!”

And in many ways, it is. But truthfully, there is no such thing. Because YOU are 100% unique.

There is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” business. Don’t let anyone convince

you otherwise!

That’s how most marketing programs get sold. They convince you this is THE strategy you need, and it’s better than anything else out there.

And for them, that might be true! After all, they’ve used it successfully, and now they want to teach it to you.

But here’s the problem with that:

What if the strategy isn’t the right strategy for YOU? What if it doesn’t fit your natural gifts, talents & curiosity?

Then all you’ve learned is what doesn’t work for you. (Which is still valuable! But probably not what you were hoping for when you invested all that time & money.)

So, how is Simplified Business Bootcamp different?

Well for starters, the program is only 30% strategy. The other 70% is all about getting you the clarity, confidence, skills & support to grow your thriving business.

This is what most programs skip over – or barely cover. But these are THE most important factors in your success!

Think about it…

Have you ever known what you could or “should” do to

grow your business, and yet you just don’t do it?

Or maybe you’ve felt confused & overwhelmed because there

are SO MANY strategies to follow – and you don’t

know where to focus your time & energy?

That’s because strategy is only one part of the story.

What is FAR more important is:

  • Developing the mindset of a successful entrepreneur, so you can ride the emotional “waves” without crashing.
  • Getting clear on what makes you unique – so you can stand out in a crowded marketplace, and have the confidence to put yourself out there.
  • Learning the “art of the invitation” and how to take someone from a casual connection or DM conversation to a paying client – so you never lose out on potential business because you felt scared or unsure of how to "warm someone up" and have them excited to say “yes” to working with you.

These are skills that will serve you

for the rest of your life.

Only AFTER we’ve done all of this will we cover marketing strategies. Why?

I always use the analogy of a leaky bucket…

Imagine you have a bucket, and you’re going out there learning all these strategies to get more water (aka clients) into your bucket. You’re posting on social media, you’re running ads, you’re developing lead magnets and funnels.

And it’s working! Water is starting to flow into your bucket.

At first, you want to celebrate. You’re actually doing it!!

But then you realize… wait a second. Why isn’t my bucket filling up?!

Then you finally look inside. And you see, the bottom of your bucket is full of tiny holes. So all of the water that’s flowing in is simply seeping back out the bottom of the bucket.

All of the potential clients you are interacting with are NOT signing up.

This is what happens when you focus all your time & energy on marketing, without developing the mindset, skills &

confidence to run a successful business.

Not to mention, lacking a clear and systematic “client cultivation flow” that will take someone from curious about what you do, to becoming a paying client.

(Hint: Most business owners are asking their prospects to “marry them on the first date.” But 90% of people need to get to know you first, before they are ready to say “yes” to working with you. That’s what your client cultivation flow is designed to do… help them get to know, like & trust you so they are ready to say “I do!” ;-)

So – are you ready to fill the holes in your bucket?

The incredible thing about what you will learn in this course is that it’s going to serve you for YEARS to come. I have literally made millions of dollars using the mindset, skills & strategies I’m going to teach you.

This isn’t a “quick fix” or “get rich quick” approach.

It’s about helping you become the coach, consultant, expert, or business owner you’ve dreamed of being.


The world needs your gifts.

I’m here to help you magnify them.


I’m in… how do I get started?

You have 2 different options for joining this program:


If you want to go through the program on your own time, choose the Self-Study option at checkout. This gives you lifetime access to the curriculum, plus recordings of past live sessions.


(or 8 pmts of $311)

VIP Support

If you want everything in the Self-Study program, plus 2.5 hours of 1:1 coaching with Makena (for more than 50% off her normal private coaching rates), choose the VIP Support option.


(or 8 pmts of $444)

Note: I typically run a LIVE version of this program 1-2 times per year. This includes 10-12 weeks of live group coaching calls. If you enroll in either of the options above, you’ll be able to join the next Live Group for a small additional fee when the time comes. I recommend getting started today – and having this as an option for additional

support if you want it.

Sign Me Up!

Want to chat with Makena before you sign up?

Email questions@followyouraliveness.com to request a 20-min call with Makena.

P.S. If you’re wondering if you’re “ready” for this…

Let me ask you something. Do you feel a call to something more? Do you sense that there are gifts inside you, waiting to be unlocked? Do you have a sense that you’re meant to be an entrepreneur, even if you’re not 100% sure what you want to do yet? Then you owe it to yourself to take the next step. Because clarity comes through ACTION.

You can’t learn to ride a bike by thinking about riding a bike, and strategizing about how you’re going to ride the bike… You have to actually get on the bike, fall down a few times, and then next thing you know, you’re soaring. Clarity in business works the same way. You can’t plan or strategize it all in advance. You have to take action and try something.

Think of it like starting a project instead of starting a business. See one idea through for 90 days, and you’ll have so much more clarity at the end of those three months. You’ll either know that “Yes, I want to do this!” Or, “Nope, this isn’t it.” But either way you’ll be SO much further along than you were before. And if you go through the Simplified Business Bootcamp, you’ll have all the clarity & skills you need to shift gears quickly and make Option B a huge success. I’ve seen this time and time again in my coaching clients.

Don’t let over-thinking, over-analyzing or perfectionism get in the way of your success. To get a different result, you have to do something different. That’s what this course is all about.

P.P.S. If you’ve been in business for a while and you’re wondering, “Is this going to be too basic for me?”

Let me ask you this… Are you having consistent $5K-$10K+ months? Do you have a clear and effective system for finding & enrolling clients that is working, month after month? Are you feeling clear, confident, and consistently in action to move your business forward?

If you answered YES to all three of these questions, then this program may not be right for you. However, if you’re seeing some gaps between where you are and where you want to be, then you will absolutely get value out of this program. In fact, if you’re anything like some of my “seasoned” entrepreneur clients who have applied the Simplified Business System in the past, you are very likely to catch on super quickly – and start getting results FAST. It’s time for you to break through to 6 figures and beyond. I’m here to help. Let’s do this!

"Before working with Makena, I posted on social media every day for a year and didn’t get ANY clients.

Now, I’ve enrolled several clients (who keep signing up for package after package!), launched a gorgeous website, and even did my first professional photoshoot! I truly believe in myself – and this shift in my confidence has transferred to my coaching too.

Thank you for this priceless gift."

- Nicky

(Life Coach | Jamaica)

"Before we worked together, I was struggling with not enough money – and not enough energy. I had been coaching for many years, and I had hired many coaches, but I had never reached the financial goals I had always really wanted. So even though I had had some success, I didn’t believe in myself very much.

From day one, you always believed in me. You always gave me this big respect and a kind of love. And this was so important for me because I was not in good shape. I really needed it.

After our first year working together, I not only reached my money goal – I surpassed it! You helped me create a clear structure for how to get clients without needing to be on social media. I am so much more relaxed because I’m trusting myself and the universe again. Thank you!"

- Henrike

(Life & Business Coach | Germany)

"Before I coached with Makena, I was struggling. I was overwhelmed. I didn’t feel like I could keep up with the amount of responsibility I had, even though I was working a crazy amount of hours. I was struggling with really bad anxiety, to the point where most days, I would wake up a couple hours before work just so I could cry or throw up or whatever that release was to feel okay enough to actually jump online and be able to get to work.

After we started working together, I ended up leaving that job. I started a laser hair removal business and a consulting business.

I’m no longer dealing with anxiety in the same way. It’s been a couple of months since I’ve had a strong episode of anxiety, and that’s huge for me. I feel a lot more at ease in my life, and I feel so much more alive. I now stand as a woman who is able to accomplish all the things I've wanted to accomplish – and do it in a way that's sustainable.

If you’re thinking about coaching with Makena, just do it."

- Shar

(Tech Sales Consultant | Texas)

Why is Now the Time?

(aka: What about the economy?!)

If you’re worried about investing in yourself when the world feels like it’s going crazy, I get it. Between the pandemic, the recession, war, and climate change, you may feel like it’s the worst possible time to take a “risk” and grow your own business.

But in my opinion, those are exactly the reasons now is the perfect time. Think about it… Stable careers are quickly becoming a thing of the past. People used to stay in one job for decades, and now it’s common to have dozens of different jobs throughout your career. Work-from-home has given people a taste of freedom & flexibility, and many want more. Plus, there’s the rapid rise of Artificial Intelligence. Finances Online reported that “Automation will displace 85 million jobs globally by 2025.”

Which means… We are in the era of the entrepreneur.

The best possible path to “stability” is to take your future into your own hands. When the pandemic hit, very little changed in my career because I was already working 100% remotely with clients all over the world, and I felt confident that no matter what happened, I had all the skills I needed to continue to survive and thrive as a business owner.

I want that kind of security for you too. I want you to know without a doubt that you can grow and sustain a successful service-based business in any field you choose, now and in the future.

And that’s exactly what this program is about.

This self-study course is designed to be completed on your own time.
I recommend doing 1 module per week, for a total of ~90 days.
Or you can stretch it out and do 1 module every 2 weeks over 6 months.

It’s completely up to you!

What You’ll Learn

  • Identify the patterns, beliefs & money mindset roadblocks that are getting in the way of your success – so you can clear the way for more clients, income and fun in your business.
  • Get crystal clear on your unique gifts and superpowers that will help you stand out in a crowded marketplace.
  • Finally answer the question, “What is my niche / target market?” so you can confidently put yourself out there.
  • Create high value offerings people are excited to invest in – and know exactly what to charge, and when (and how) to raise your prices.
  • Learn “the art of the invitation,” my proven authentic sales method, so you can enroll more of your dream clients without ever feeling pushy or salesy.
  • Discover your “magnetizers” – the ways of getting visible and growing your business that are most in alignment with your gifts, talents & curiosity. (When you do more of these things you become MAGNETIC and clients will be irresistibly attracted to work with you!)
  • Learn 5 strategies to leverage your warm network and find the “ideal clients” you never knew were waiting in the wings. (Without ever having to sell to close friends or family.)
  • Explore two powerful ways to grow your network and get in front of other people’s audiences – getting booked on podcasts and hosting workshops and/or speeches. (These strategies alone can bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars for your business!)
  • Stop wondering what to focus on – and learn a proven approach to grow your business in as little as one hour per day.

What You’ll Get

  • 10 In-Depth Training Modules with short easy-to-watch videos that you can watch or listen to anytime, anywhere.
  • Fillable PDF Worksheets to help you apply what you are learning and get crystal clear on your next steps. (You can save these to your computer, or print them out if you prefer to fill them out by hand.)
  • Lifetime Access to the Course Curriculum. Revisit the materials anytime you want, forever.

Plus These Bonuses

Bonus Training

How to Answer the Question,

“What Do You Do?”

This question is the WORST. Am I right?? When you go to pretty much any party, networking event, or gathering and meet someone new, you are bound to get this question at some point in the conversation.

But what if you do a lot of things? Or what if you’re not really sure what it is you do, or how to describe it without talking their ear off for half an hour?

That’s where this bonus training comes in. You’ll learn a clear, concise way to reply to this question that actually makes people curious to learn more! Plus, how to utilize the power of storytelling to have people feel super connected to you, and to showcase the power of what you do in a conversational way.

Bonus Module

“Business in a Box”
Business Basics, Client Onboarding & Taking Payment

This module is specifically designed for new or early-stage entrepreneurs who need support getting their business systems in place (or filling in the gaps on what they haven’t set up yet).

We answer all your biggest business basics questions, like do you need an LLC, business bank account, contracts, and insurance… what can you write off as a business expense to minimize the taxes you owe at the end of the year… and how can you accept payments from clients?

Plus, we’ve included in-depth training videos that show you exactly how to set up your payment processor and accept one-time and recurring payments from clients (e.g. if you want a client to pay you X amount monthly over the course of a certain number of months, and have their card get charged automatically). Finally, you’ll learn how to create a great welcome email and questionnaire for your coaching or consulting program (which you can modify if you’re in another industry).

Please note: This information is based on my experience. Follow Your Aliveness® does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. The information provided in this module is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide, nor should it be relied on for tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, and accounting advisors before taking any action.

Bonus Resource

Business Resources List

I’ve been developing this resource list for many years. It includes my recommendations for:

  • Legal contracts
  • Books & articles
  • Communication software (for communicating with your clients and/or team)
  • Social media resources (e.g. how to add bolding and italics to social media posts, how to pre-plan and schedule your posts, and more)
  • Graphic design & free stock photo websites
  • Email list / CRM softwares
  • Website & landing page softwares
  • Course teaching platforms
  • Plus – bonus educational materials (such as guided visualizations, reflection questions, and powerful training videos on a wide range of business, personal and coaching-related topics)

Of course, you are always welcome to do your own research. But it’s easy to get lost going down the online search “rabbithole” and end up more confused than when you started!

I wanted to make it easy for you to benefit from my 10+ years of experience running a location-independent business – so you can stop wasting time researching online, and start getting out there to enroll and serve more clients!

I’m in… how do I get started?

You have 2 different options for joining this program:


If you want to go through the program on your own time, choose the Self-Study option at checkout. This gives you lifetime access to the curriculum, plus recordings of past live sessions.


(or 8 pmts of $311)

VIP Support

If you want everything in the Self-Study program, plus 2.5 hours of 1:1 coaching with Makena (for more than 50% off her normal private coaching rates), choose the VIP Support option.


(or 8 pmts of $444)

Note: I typically run a LIVE version of this program 1-2 times per year. This includes 10-12 weeks of live group coaching calls. If you enroll in either of the options above, you’ll be able to join the next Live Group for a small additional fee when the time comes. I recommend getting started today – and having this as an option for additional

support if you want it.

Want to chat with Makena before you sign up?

Email questions@followyouraliveness.com to request a 20-min call with Makena.

About Makena

Makena Sage is an international life coach, business strategist and the CEO of Follow Your Aliveness® – a global training & coaching organization she co-founded with her mom Gigi Sage, who helped pioneer the coaching industry 37 years ago.

Makena has been broke, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. She's made millions through her businesses. She's gone from crippling anxiety, panic attacks and burnout to living a life of pleasure, prosperity and fulfillment.

Today, Makena helps women step into WHO they are meant to be so they can live lives beyond their wildest dreams. She is on a mission to help women everywhere break free of the burnout cycle, make more money than they know what to do with, and create epic lives that are a 10 out of 10 in every area.

Makena lives in San Diego, CA with her husband and the most beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Chloe.

The Content

Module One:

  • Learn the mindset of a thriving entrepreneur.
  • Get clear on WHAT you want, WHY you want it, and WHO you want to be, so you feel pulled to create big results in your business (instead of pushing & pressuring yourself to get results).
  • Identify which of the “12 Patterns that Stop Business Growth in its Tracks” have stopped you or slowed you down in the past, and how to shift your patterns so you can stay in action.
  • Discover the “Self-Doubt Switch” – the instant mindset shift that can take you from scared to put yourself out there, to sharing your message with confidence.
  • Learn a process for re-wiring your limiting beliefs around money, so you can create more of the success and abundance you want.

Module Two:

  • Identify your unique gifts and superpowers – and how to use your natural talents and skills to create high-value offerings that serve your clients.
  • Discover how to use aliveness as your “compass” and how to tell the difference between a “good idea” – versus something that’s truly right for you.
  • Uncover your World Changer Profile – your #1 Talent and Success Motivator that can help you grow a business that’s in alignment with your Zone of Genius and what motivates you.
  • Finally answer the question, “What is my niche / target market?” so you can confidently put yourself out there.

Module Three:

  • Understand what your ideal client REALLY wants, in their own words (hint: this is one of the most powerful ways “supercharge” your message and stand out in a crowded marketplace.)
  • Get crystal clear on the “transformation” and value you create (or will create) for your ideal clients.
  • Learn how to communicate what you do in a way that has your dream clients leaning in and saying, “Tell me more…”
  • Validate that there’s a market willing and ready to pay for your services.
  • Breakthrough perfectionism with a simple-yet-powerful mindset shift.

Module Four:

  • Learn a proven approach to create high-value offerings that people are excited to invest in (even at high-ticket prices!).
  • Choose pricing that feels fully aligned for you AND your ideal clients.
  • Discover a simple pricing methodology that will help you never get stuck on the question of what to charge again.
  • Know when (and how) to raise your prices – without losing clients!
  • Shift your mindset around charging money, so you can confidently ask for rates that feel in alignment with the value you provide.

Module Five:

  • Learn “the art of the invitation,” my proven authentic sales method, so you can enroll more of your dream clients without ever feeling pushy or salesy.
  • Discover how to grow your network – without “networking.”
  • Understand the 4-step Client Cultivation Flow, a step-by-step path to take people from curious about what you do, to enrolling as a client.
  • Breakthrough your fears & doubts about sales – so you can grow your business and make the impact you’re meant to make.
  • Create your “ideal client checklist” so you can STOP attracting people who aren’t a fit, and only work with people you LOVE.

Module Six:

  • Discover the two core “warm network” strategies you will use to find & attract new clients.
  • Find the ideal clients who are “waiting in the wings” in your warm network (without ever having to sell to close friends or family).
  • Learn the powerful non-sales call flow that will allow you to create more authentic connections with potential clients – without feeling "salesy."
  • Learn to build relationships, instead of just trying to make sales (which will lead to far more sales in the long-run!)

Module Seven:

  • Learn the “authentic sales script” – a powerful deep dive session you can have with potential clients that will transform their life AND have them get clear on whether they want to continue working with you.
  • Customize the script to YOUR offer (or a customized “script” for your industry) – so you never wonder what to say on a sales call again.
  • Become proficient at making invitations in a way that feels truly authentic and in service to others.
  • Learn the “sales do’s and don’ts” I’ve discovered after hundreds of sales calls, and investing tens of thousands of dollars into sales training.

Module Eight:

  • Create your “pre-call practice” so you show up to every call with a potential client feeling clear & confident.
  • Master the art of objection dancing – so you never get stumped by someone saying, “I can’t afford it” or “I need to think about it."
  • Watch role play videos where I show how I would respond to various objections, so you can not only learn the theory – but see it in practice.

Module Nine:

  • Create an exciting “game” for your business (which is like a goal, but more fun!) that will inspire you to create incredible results.
  • Learn the power of intent – the secret every successful entrepreneur knows that will completely shift the way you approach your business.
  • Look at what is working (and what’s not working) with your Client Cultivation Flow, and how to fix any “leaks” in your bucket.

Module Ten:

  • Discover your “magnetizers” – the ways of getting visible and growing your business that are most in alignment with your gifts & curiosity.
  • Learn 3 additional “warm network” marketing strategies, so you can connect with more ideal clients.
  • Explore two powerful ways to grow your network and get in front of other people’s audiences – getting booked on podcasts and hosting workshops and/or speeches.

And remember – you have lifetime access to the online course curriculum. Which means you can go back and re-watch, re-listen, and dive deeper on your own time, anytime, forever.

I do this with many of the life-changing business courses I’ve invested in over the years. Especially the ones that include mindset & sales training (which together make up more than 1/3 of this program!). I love listening to those audios and role plays over and over again to help me stay in the “high vibe” energy and content that transformed my life & business.

I listen while I’m getting ready in the morning, while going for walks, in the car, in the bath. (And you can too! :)

This is not just a 10-module business coaching program. It's an investment that will pay dividends for many years to come.

How It Works

This course is 100% online.

It consists of 10 in-depth training modules, with between 5-8 short videos in each module. Some are just a few minutes, and others are more in depth. I’ve kept everything as short and concise as possible, to make it easy for you to learn and get right into action.

You’ll also get instant access to the Pre-Program Videos and Modules 1-10, plus the Bonus “Business in a Box” Module and other bonuses.

You have unlimited replays and lifetime access to the course curriculum.

The content in this program is easily worth $10,000.

But that’s not what you’ll pay when you enroll today.

This course is priced at $2222 or you can choose our extended payment plan option of 8 monthly payments of $311.

If you have any questions, check out the FAQs section below. If you don’t see your question answered there, feel free to email questions@followyouraliveness.com.


Q: I haven’t started a business yet. Is this right for me?

A: Absolutely. My recommendation is to think about it like you’re starting a project, instead of starting a business. This helps take the pressure and overwhelm out of things. Pick ONE idea and see it through for 90 days, and you’ll have so much more clarity at the end of those three months. You’ll either know that “Yes, I want to do this!” Or, “Nope, this isn’t it.” But either way you’ll be SO much further along than you were before.

And if Option A isn’t it? By going through the Simplified Business Bootcamp, you’ll have all the clarity & skills you need to shift gears quickly and make Option B a huge success. I’ve seen this time and time again in my coaching clients. Don’t let over-thinking, over-analyzing or perfectionism get in the way of your success. To get a different result, you have to do something different. That’s what this course is all about.

Q: I’ve been in business for a while. Is this going to be too basic for me?

A: Let me ask you this… Are you having consistent $5K-$10K+ months? Do you have a clear and effective system for finding & enrolling clients that is working, month after month? Are you feeling clear, confident, and consistently in action to move your business forward?

If you answered YES to all three of these questions, then this program may not be right for you. However, if you’re seeing some gaps between where you are and where you want to be, then you will absolutely get value out of this program. In fact, if you’re anything like some of my “seasoned” entrepreneur clients who have applied the Simplified Business System in the past, you are very likely to catch on super quickly – and start getting results FAST.

Q: What can I expect from this course?

A: Clear guidance. A step-by-step plan to help you grow your soulful, service-based business. Mindset upgrades. Clarity. Momentum. Increased confidence. A container of love, support and belief.

Q: When does the course begin?

A: This self-study course is designed to be completed on your own time. I recommend doing 1 module per week, for a total of ~90 days. Or you can stretch it out and do 1 module every 2 weeks over 6 months. It’s completely up to you!

Q: Are you offering payment plans?

A: Yes! I want this program to be accessible to as many people as possible, so we have a special extended payment plan option available. You’ll find the payment plan options when you click the link to sign up.

Q: Can you guarantee specific results?

A: I have personally used the principles and strategies in this program to build a $150K per year marketing business, and a $500K per year coaching business. Many of our clients have applied the “Simplified Business System” to create incredible results (you can read & watch some of their stories in their own words on this page). However, as we have no way of knowing if or how you will apply what you are learning in this program, we cannot guarantee your results. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students.

I’m in… how do I get started?

You have 2 different options for joining this program:


If you want to go through the program on your own time, choose the Self-Study option at checkout. This gives you lifetime access to the curriculum, plus recordings of past live sessions.


(or 8 pmts of $311)

VIP Support

If you want everything in the Self-Study program, plus 2.5 hours of 1:1 coaching with Makena (for more than 50% off her normal private coaching rates), choose the VIP Support option.


(or 8 pmts of $444)

Note: I typically run a LIVE version of this program 1-2 times per year. This includes 10-12 weeks of live group coaching calls. If you enroll in either of the options above, you’ll be able to join the next Live Group for a small additional fee when the time comes. I recommend getting started today – and having this as an option for additional

support if you want it.

Want to chat with Makena before you sign up?

Email questions@followyouraliveness.com to request a 20-min call with Makena.


Business Bootcamp

"Grow your soulful, service-based business WITHOUT paid ads, complicated marketing, or feeling chained to your laptop 24/7"

  • Do you feel confused about how to market your business?
  • Does social media kind of stress you out?
  • Are you ready to share your gifts with the world in a bigger way… but you’re scared to put yourself out there?
  • Are you unclear about your niche your message… and what makes you stand out from all the other people in your industry?
  • Do you love helping peoplebut asking them to pay you feels super uncomfortable?
  • Do you struggle with self-doubt, fear of failure, and fear of rejection? (And it’s getting in the way of you growing your business?)
  • Do you look at other “soulful service providers” making $5K-$10K+ per month… and wonder what they know that you don’t?
  • … Or maybe you’ve hit $5K-$10K+ months before but your income has been inconsistent, and you’re not sure what you’re doing wrong?
  • Have you bought a bunch of courses on social media & online marketing – but they haven’t gotten you any paying clients?
  • Are you feeling discouraged because you know deep down this is what you’re meant to do, but it just isn’t taking off the way you need it to?
  • Do you keep getting stuck in perfectionism or procrastination?
  • Or – are you simply tired of complicated online marketing strategies, and you’re ready for a simplified approach to grow your business?

I’ve been there…

My “Failure to $500K” Story

Five years ago, I was ready to transition from my marketing career into work I truly loved.

I wanted to become a coach, but the truth is, I was terrified.

I had spent years building up a stable 6-figure+ income, and a great reputation in my industry. It felt crazy to throw that all away and start over from scratch.

It didn’t help that I’d tried to make the “leap” into coaching a year prior to that – and failed miserably.

(After promoting my new business on social media for a while, I got ONE client who was paying me next-to-nothing… and within 60 days I was running out of money and had to go back to my marketing career. I was so discouraged and embarrassed. I thought I’d never try again.)

Fast-forward to 2018, and I had my “turning point” moment.

I realized I’d been trying so hard to figure it out on my own – but that obviously wasn’t working. So I decided to get support.

I worked with my first coach, then another, then another.

Within 8 months, I was making 6 figures in my new business, and was able to quit my marketing career.

Within 2 years, I was making multiple 6-figures.

And within 3 years, I’d hit the $500K mark.

So, what changed?

  • I got CLARITY about my unique gifts and who I wanted to serve.
  • I upgraded my MINDSET and overcame the self-doubt, fears & patterns that had held me back in the past.
  • I designed HIGH VALUE offers that people were excited to sign up for.
  • I learned an authentic approach to SALES that helped me fill my programs with ideal clients.
  • … and when I got stuck, I had the SUPPORT I needed to break through.

No complicated marketing necessary.

To be totally honest, I did eventually go through a phase where I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into hiring marketing experts, growing my team, and trying lots of “fancy” strategies like paid ads and marketing funnels

… but it was a total flop!

80-90% of our revenue STILL came from our warm network, referrals, and the simple marketing strategies I’d followed since Day 1.

Which is when it hit me… I already knew what worked to grow a thriving 6-figure (and even multiple 6-figure) business!

So why was I overcomplicating it??

I scaled back the team, stopped the ads, and went back to the “basics.”

And I got my time back, my energy & inspiration back, and our business continued to grow and thrive! (Plus, we became a lot more profitable.)

Which is when I knew… I needed to share this with others.

I saw so many people struggling the way I did when I was first starting out – or later – when I bought into the myth that you need more/fancier marketing strategies to be successful.

(Which, as you’re probably getting by now, is simply NOT true.)

I had been teaching these strategies to private clients and in an intimate group coaching program for a while, with phenomenal results.

Coaches, consultants, bookkeepers, interior designers, and other soulful service-based business owners were all able to use the “Simplified Business System” to get crystal clear, confident, and to find & enroll their dream clients!

So, I decided to take the best of the best of what I’ve learned over the past decade of building two 6-figure+ companies – and especially in the past 5 years of growing my “soul-led” coaching business…

… and I created the Simplified Business Bootcamp.

10 modules.
3 powerful bonuses.
Lifetime access to the curriculum.
Plus – the option for 1:1 coaching sessions with me.

… All designed to teach you everything you need to grow your soulful, service-based business WITHOUT paid ads, complicated marketing, or feeling chained to your laptop 24/7.

This is for you if you’re a:

  • Coach or Consultant
  • Therapist
  • Expert (hypnotherapist, astrologer, etc.)
  • Author
  • Freelancer (copywriter, graphic designer, photographer)
  • Interior Designer
  • … or anyone with a passion-fueled, people-focused business

It’s great for start-up and early-stage entrepreneurs, AND those of you who have been at it for a while, but you’re just not seeing the results you know you’re capable of.

"Before we worked together I was not just afraid to go after my dreams – I was afraid to dream. (I thought it would be better to not dream, than to dream and be disappointed.)

Makena helped me rediscover my bigger dreams, and the step-by-step plan to start making them a reality. With her support, I got the courage to leave my job and become my own boss.

I tripled my income in a matter of weeks – and now I’m making 4-5X my previous income. I moved into my dream apartment. Opportunities are coming to me left and right.

I had no idea this was possible. I had tried to go out on my own so many times, but I really needed the support & accountability to make it happen. Thank you!"

- Tanya

(Hairstylist | Texas)

"I was one of those people who didn't know how to get clients, or how to do all the business stuff. I didn’t like it, and I didn’t want to go there. And I had a good life! I wasn’t unhappy, but I sensed that I wasn’t being completely authentic with who I am. And I do think I was walking towards burnout. Finally, it came to a point where I said, “I’m changing things right now.”

I didn’t have the money when I signed up, and that really scared me. But I trusted you, and I trusted the program, so I signed up on a payment plan. And I ended up earning my money back, and more, while I was in the training. So in some ways, I think you’re very cheap! ;)

I gained so much confidence. I raised my prices, which was unthinkable to me before. I used to get so confused when it came to business, but you made it so clear and step-by-step. So I decided to just follow the instructions exactly. And guess what? They work!"

- Nicole

(Actress & Life Coach | Germany)

"Before working with Makena, I was very stressed. I was having anxiety attacks almost daily. My relationships with my husband and my kids were not doing well. I was struggling just to get through my day. I was doing okay financially – but the motivation to grow my business just wasn’t really there.

After working with you, my income jumped from $90K to $145,000 in one year. (And I’m aiming for $200,000 next!)

I’m anxiety-free – and no longer have anxiety attacks. I’m so much clearer. I know what I want, and how I'm going to get there. I’m more relaxed and at ease. I’m no longer the reactive person I was in my relationships. With my husband, we laugh now. We go on dates. And I spend lots of quality time with my kids.

I came into the coaching for my business, and everything else was a huge bonus. Thank you for everything!"

- Lisa

(Bookkeeper | Maryland)

As someone said to me the other day, “it’s like a business in a box!”

And in many ways, it is. But truthfully, there is no such thing. Because YOU are 100% unique.

There is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” business. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise!

That’s how most marketing programs get sold. They convince you this is THE strategy you need, and it’s better than anything else out there.

And for them, that might be true! After all, they’ve used it successfully, and now they want to teach it to you.

But here’s the problem with that:

What if the strategy isn’t the right strategy for YOU? What if it doesn’t fit your natural gifts, talents & curiosity?

Then all you’ve learned is what doesn’t work for you. (Which is still valuable! But probably not what you were hoping for when you invested all that time & money.)

So, how is Simplified Business Bootcamp different?

Well for starters, the program is only 30% strategy. The other 70% is all about getting you the clarity, confidence, skills & support to grow your thriving business.

This is what most programs skip over – or barely cover. But these are THE most important factors in your success!

Think about it…

Have you ever known what you could or “should” do to grow your business, and yet you just don’t do it?

Or maybe you’ve felt confused & overwhelmed because there are SO MANY strategies to follow – and you don’t know where to focus your time & energy?

That’s because strategy is only one part of the story.

What is FAR more important is:

  • Developing the mindset of a successful entrepreneur, so you can ride the emotional “waves” without crashing.
  • Getting clear on what makes you unique – so you can stand out in a crowded marketplace, and have the confidence to put yourself out there.
  • Learning the “art of the invitation” and how to take someone from a casual connection or DM conversation to a paying client – so you never lose out on potential business because you felt scared or unsure of how to "warm someone up" and have them excited to say “yes” to working with you.

These are skills that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Only AFTER we’ve done all of this will we cover marketing strategies. Why?

I always use the analogy of a leaky bucket…

Imagine you have a bucket, and you’re going out there learning all these strategies to get more water (aka clients) into your bucket. You’re posting on social media, you’re running ads, you’re developing lead magnets and funnels.

And it’s working! Water is starting to flow into your bucket.

At first, you want to celebrate. You’re actually doing it!!

But then you realize… wait a second. Why isn’t my bucket filling up?!

Then you finally look inside. And you see, the bottom of your bucket is full of tiny holes. So all of the water that’s flowing in is simply seeping back out the bottom of the bucket.

All of the potential clients you are interacting with are NOT signing up.

This is what happens when you focus all your time & energy on marketing, without developing the mindset, skills & confidence to run a successful business.

Not to mention, lacking a clear and systematic “client cultivation flow” that will take someone from curious about what you do, to becoming a paying client.

(Hint: Most business owners are asking their prospects to “marry them on the first date.” But 90% of people need to get to know you first, before they are ready to say “yes” to working with you. That’s what your client cultivation flow is designed to do… help them get to know, like & trust you so they are ready to say “I do!” ;-)

So – are you ready to fill the holes in your bucket?

The incredible thing about what you will learn in this course is that it’s going to serve you for YEARS to come. I have literally made millions of dollars using the mindset, skills & strategies I’m going to teach you.

This isn’t a “quick fix” or “get rich quick” approach.

It’s about helping you become the coach, consultant, expert, or business owner you’ve dreamed of being.


The world needs your gifts.

I’m here to help you magnify them.


I’m in… how do I get started?

You have 2 different options for joining this program:


If you want to go through the program on your own time, choose the Self-Study option at checkout. This gives you lifetime access to the curriculum, plus recordings of past live sessions.


(or 8 pmts of $311)

VIP Support

If you want everything in the Self-Study program, plus 2.5 hours of 1:1 coaching with Makena (for more than 50% off her normal private coaching rates), choose the VIP Support option.


(or 8 pmts of $444)

Note: I typically run a LIVE version of this program 1-2 times per year. This includes 10-12 weeks of live group coaching calls. If you enroll in either of the options above, you’ll be able to join the next Live Group for a small additional fee when the time comes. I recommend getting started today – and having this as an option for additional support if you want it.

Want to chat with Makena before you sign up?

Email questions@followyouraliveness.com to request a 20-min call with Makena.

P.S. If you’re wondering if you’re “ready” for this…

Let me ask you something. Do you feel a call to something more? Do you sense that there are gifts inside you, waiting to be unlocked? Do you have a sense that you’re meant to be an entrepreneur, even if you’re not 100% sure what you want to do yet? Then you owe it to yourself to take the next step. Because clarity comes through ACTION.

You can’t learn to ride a bike by thinking about riding a bike, and strategizing about how you’re going to ride the bike… You have to actually get on the bike, fall down a few times, and then next thing you know, you’re soaring. Clarity in business works the same way. You can’t plan or strategize it all in advance. You have to take action and try something.

Think of it like starting a project instead of starting a business. See one idea through for 90 days, and you’ll have so much more clarity at the end of those three months. You’ll either know that “Yes, I want to do this!” Or, “Nope, this isn’t it.” But either way you’ll be SO much further along than you were before. And if you go through the Simplified Business Bootcamp, you’ll have all the clarity & skills you need to shift gears quickly and make Option B a huge success. I’ve seen this time and time again in my coaching clients.

Don’t let over-thinking, over-analyzing or perfectionism get in the way of your success. To get a different result, you have to do something different. That’s what this course is all about.

P.P.S. If you’ve been in business for a while and you’re wondering, “Is this going to be too basic for me?”

Let me ask you this… Are you having consistent $5K-$10K+ months? Do you have a clear and effective system for finding & enrolling clients that is working, month after month? Are you feeling clear, confident, and consistently in action to move your business forward?

If you answered YES to all three of these questions, then this program may not be right for you. However, if you’re seeing some gaps between where you are and where you want to be, then you will absolutely get value out of this program. In fact, if you’re anything like some of my “seasoned” entrepreneur clients who have applied the Simplified Business System in the past, you are very likely to catch on super quickly – and start getting results FAST. It’s time for you to break through to 6 figures and beyond. I’m here to help. Let’s do this!

"Before working with Makena, I posted on social media every day for a year and didn’t get ANY clients.

Now, I’ve enrolled several clients (who keep signing up for package after package!), launched a gorgeous website, and even did my first professional photoshoot! I truly believe in myself – and this shift in my confidence has transferred to my coaching too.

Thank you for this priceless gift."

- Nicky

(Life Coach | Jamaica)

"Before we worked together, I was struggling with not enough money – and not enough energy. I had been coaching for many years, and I had hired many coaches, but I had never reached the financial goals I had always really wanted. So even though I had had some success, I didn’t believe in myself very much.

From day one, you always believed in me. You always gave me this big respect and a kind of love. And this was so important for me because I was not in good shape. I really needed it.

After our first year working together, I not only reached my money goal – I surpassed it! You helped me create a clear structure for how to get clients without needing to be on social media. I am so much more relaxed because I’m trusting myself and the universe again. Thank you!"

- Henrike

(Life & Business Coach | Germany)

"Before I coached with Makena, I was struggling. I was overwhelmed. I didn’t feel like I could keep up with the amount of responsibility I had, even though I was working a crazy amount of hours. I was struggling with really bad anxiety, to the point where most days, I would wake up a couple hours before work just so I could cry or throw up or whatever that release was to feel okay enough to actually jump online and be able to get to work.

After we started working together, I ended up leaving that job. I started a laser hair removal business and a consulting business.

I’m no longer dealing with anxiety in the same way. It’s been a couple of months since I’ve had a strong episode of anxiety, and that’s huge for me. I feel a lot more at ease in my life, and I feel so much more alive. I now stand as a woman who is able to accomplish all the things I've wanted to accomplish – and do it in a way that's sustainable.

If you’re thinking about coaching with Makena, just do it."

- Shar

(Tech Sales Consultant | Texas)

Why is Now the Time?

(aka: What about the economy?!)

If you’re worried about investing in yourself when the world feels like it’s going crazy, I get it. Between the pandemic, the recession, war, and climate change, you may feel like it’s the worst possible time to take a “risk” and grow your own business.

But in my opinion, those are exactly the reasons now is the perfect time. Think about it… Stable careers are quickly becoming a thing of the past. People used to stay in one job for decades, and now it’s common to have dozens of different jobs throughout your career. Work-from-home has given people a taste of freedom & flexibility, and many want more. Plus, there’s the rapid rise of Artificial Intelligence. Finances Online reported that “Automation will displace 85 million jobs globally by 2025.”

Which means… We are in the era of the entrepreneur.

The best possible path to “stability” is to take your future into your own hands. When the pandemic hit, very little changed in my career because I was already working 100% remotely with clients all over the world, and I felt confident that no matter what happened, I had all the skills I needed to continue to survive and thrive as a business owner.

I want that kind of security for you too. I want you to know without a doubt that you can grow and sustain a successful service-based business in any field you choose, now and in the future.

And that’s exactly what this program is about.

The Details

This self-study course is designed to be completed on your own time.
I recommend doing 1 module per week, for a total of ~90 days.
Or you can stretch it out and do 1 module every 2 weeks over 6 months.

It’s completely up to you!

What You’ll Learn

  • Identify the patterns, beliefs & money mindset roadblocks that are getting in the way of your success – so you can clear the way for more clients, income and fun in your business.
  • Get crystal clear on your unique gifts and superpowers that will help you stand out in a crowded marketplace.
  • Finally answer the question, “What is my niche / target market?” so you can confidently put yourself out there.
  • Create high value offerings people are excited to invest in – and know exactly what to charge, and when (and how) to raise your prices.
  • Learn “the art of the invitation,” my proven authentic sales method, so you can enroll more of your dream clients without ever feeling pushy or salesy.
  • Discover your “magnetizers” – the ways of getting visible and growing your business that are most in alignment with your gifts, talents & curiosity. (When you do more of these things you become MAGNETIC and clients will be irresistibly attracted to work with you!)
  • Learn 5 strategies to leverage your warm network and find the “ideal clients” you never knew were waiting in the wings. (Without ever having to sell to close friends or family.)
  • Explore two powerful ways to grow your network and get in front of other people’s audiences – getting booked on podcasts and hosting workshops and/or speeches. (These strategies alone can bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars for your business!)
  • Stop wondering what to focus on – and learn a proven approach to grow your business in as little as one hour per day.

What You’ll Get

  • 10 In-Depth Training Modules with short easy-to-watch videos that you can watch or listen to anytime, anywhere.
  • Fillable PDF Worksheets to help you apply what you are learning and get crystal clear on your next steps. (You can save these to your computer, or print them out if you prefer to fill them out by hand.)
  • Lifetime Access to the Course Curriculum. Revisit the materials anytime you want, forever.

Plus These Bonuses

Bonus Training

How to Answer the Question, “What Do You Do?”

This question is the WORST. Am I right?? When you go to pretty much any party, networking event, or gathering and meet someone new, you are bound to get this question at some point in the conversation.

But what if you do a lot of things? Or what if you’re not really sure what it is you do, or how to describe it without talking their ear off for half an hour?

That’s where this bonus training comes in. You’ll learn a clear, concise way to reply to this question that actually makes people curious to learn more! Plus, how to utilize the power of storytelling to have people feel super connected to you, and to showcase the power of what you do in a conversational way.

Bonus Module

“Business in a Box”
Business Basics, Client Onboarding & Taking Payment

This module is specifically designed for new or early-stage entrepreneurs who need support getting their business systems in place (or filling in the gaps on what they haven’t set up yet).

We answer all your biggest business basics questions, like do you need an LLC, business bank account, contracts, and insurance… what can you write off as a business expense to minimize the taxes you owe at the end of the year… and how can you accept payments from clients?

Plus, we’ve included in-depth training videos that show you exactly how to set up your payment processor and accept one-time and recurring payments from clients (e.g. if you want a client to pay you X amount monthly over the course of a certain number of months, and have their card get charged automatically). Finally, you’ll learn how to create a great welcome email and questionnaire for your coaching or consulting program (which you can modify if you’re in another industry).

Please note: This information is based on my experience. Follow Your Aliveness® does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. The information provided in this module is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide, nor should it be relied on for tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, and accounting advisors before taking any action.

Bonus Resource

Business Resources List

I’ve been developing this resource list for many years. It includes my recommendations for:

  • Legal contracts
  • Books & articles
  • Communication software (for communicating with your clients and/or team)
  • Social media resources (e.g. how to add bolding and italics to social media posts, how to pre-plan and schedule your posts, and more)
  • Graphic design & free stock photo websites
  • Email list / CRM softwares
  • Website & landing page softwares
  • Course teaching platforms
  • Plus – bonus educational materials (such as guided visualizations, reflection questions, and powerful training videos on a wide range of business, personal and coaching-related topics)

Of course, you are always welcome to do your own research. But it’s easy to get lost going down the online search “rabbithole” and end up more confused than when you started!

I wanted to make it easy for you to benefit from my 10+ years of experience running a location-independent business – so you can stop wasting time researching online, and start getting out there to enroll and serve more clients!

I’m in… how do I get started?

You have 2 different options for joining this program:


If you want to go through the program on your own time, choose the Self-Study option at checkout. This gives you lifetime access to the curriculum, plus recordings of past live sessions.


(or 8 pmts of $311)

VIP Support

If you want everything in the Self-Study program, plus 2.5 hours of 1:1 coaching with Makena (for more than 50% off her normal private coaching rates), choose the VIP Support option.


(or 8 pmts of $444)

Note: I typically run a LIVE version of this program 1-2 times per year. This includes 10-12 weeks of live group coaching calls. If you enroll in either of the options above, you’ll be able to join the next Live Group for a small additional fee when the time comes. I recommend getting started today – and having this as an option for additional support if you want it.

Want to chat with Makena before you sign up?

Email questions@followyouraliveness.com to request a 20-min call with Makena.

About Makena

Makena Sage is an international life coach, business strategist and the CEO of Follow Your Aliveness® – a global training & coaching organization she co-founded with her mom Gigi Sage, who helped pioneer the coaching industry 37 years ago.

Makena has been broke, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. She's made millions through her businesses. She's gone from crippling anxiety, panic attacks and burnout to living a life of pleasure, prosperity and fulfillment.

Today, Makena helps women step into WHO they are meant to be so they can live lives beyond their wildest dreams. She is on a mission to help women everywhere break free of the burnout cycle, make more money than they know what to do with, and create epic lives that are a 10 out of 10 in every area.

Makena lives in San Diego, CA with her husband and the most beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Chloe.

The Content

Module One:

  • Learn the mindset of a thriving entrepreneur.
  • Get clear on WHAT you want, WHY you want it, and WHO you want to be, so you feel pulled to create big results in your business (instead of pushing & pressuring yourself to get results).
  • Identify which of the “12 Patterns that Stop Business Growth in its Tracks” have stopped you or slowed you down in the past, and how to shift your patterns so you can stay in action.
  • Discover the “Self-Doubt Switch” – the instant mindset shift that can take you from scared to put yourself out there, to sharing your message with confidence.
  • Learn a process for re-wiring your limiting beliefs around money, so you can create more of the success and abundance you want.

Module Two:

  • Identify your unique gifts and superpowers – and how to use your natural talents and skills to create high-value offerings that serve your clients.
  • Discover how to use aliveness as your “compass” and how to tell the difference between a “good idea” – versus something that’s truly right for you.
  • Uncover your World Changer Profile – your #1 Talent and Success Motivator that can help you grow a business that’s in alignment with your Zone of Genius and what motivates you.
  • Finally answer the question, “What is my niche / target market?” so you can confidently put yourself out there.

Module Three:

  • Understand what your ideal client REALLY wants, in their own words (hint: this is one of the most powerful ways “supercharge” your message and stand out in a crowded marketplace.)
  • Get crystal clear on the “transformation” and value you create (or will create) for your ideal clients.
  • Learn how to communicate what you do in a way that has your dream clients leaning in and saying, “Tell me more…”
  • Validate that there’s a market willing and ready to pay for your services.
  • Breakthrough perfectionism with a simple-yet-powerful mindset shift.

Module Four:

  • Learn a proven approach to create high-value offerings that people are excited to invest in (even at high-ticket prices!).
  • Choose pricing that feels fully aligned for you AND your ideal clients.
  • Discover a simple pricing methodology that will help you never get stuck on the question of what to charge again.
  • Know when (and how) to raise your prices – without losing clients!
  • Shift your mindset around charging money, so you can confidently ask for rates that feel in alignment with the value you provide.

Module Five:

  • Learn “the art of the invitation,” my proven authentic sales method, so you can enroll more of your dream clients without ever feeling pushy or salesy.
  • Discover how to grow your network – without “networking.”
  • Understand the 4-step Client Cultivation Flow, a step-by-step path to take people from curious about what you do, to enrolling as a client.
  • Breakthrough your fears & doubts about sales – so you can grow your business and make the impact you’re meant to make.
  • Create your “ideal client checklist” so you can STOP attracting people who aren’t a fit, and only work with people you LOVE.

Module Six:

  • Discover the two core “warm network” strategies you will use to find & attract new clients.
  • Find the ideal clients who are “waiting in the wings” in your warm network (without ever having to sell to close friends or family).
  • Learn the powerful non-sales call flow that will allow you to create more authentic connections with potential clients – without feeling "salesy."
  • Learn to build relationships, instead of just trying to make sales (which will lead to far more sales in the long-run!)

Module Seven:

  • Learn the “authentic sales script” – a powerful deep dive session you can have with potential clients that will transform their life AND have them get clear on whether they want to continue working with you.
  • Customize the script to YOUR offer (or a customized “script” for your industry) – so you never wonder what to say on a sales call again.
  • Become proficient at making invitations in a way that feels truly authentic and in service to others.
  • Learn the “sales do’s and don’ts” I’ve discovered after hundreds of sales calls, and investing tens of thousands of dollars into sales training.

Module Eight:

  • Create your “pre-call practice” so you show up to every call with a potential client feeling clear & confident.
  • Master the art of objection dancing – so you never get stumped by someone saying, “I can’t afford it” or “I need to think about it."
  • Watch role play videos where I show how I would respond to various objections, so you can not only learn the theory – but see it in practice.

Module Nine:

  • Create an exciting “game” for your business (which is like a goal, but more fun!) that will inspire you to create incredible results.
  • Learn the power of intent – the secret every successful entrepreneur knows that will completely shift the way you approach your business.
  • Look at what is working (and what’s not working) with your Client Cultivation Flow, and how to fix any “leaks” in your bucket.

Module Ten:

  • Discover your “magnetizers” – the ways of getting visible and growing your business that are most in alignment with your gifts & curiosity.
  • Learn 3 additional “warm network” marketing strategies, so you can connect with more ideal clients.
  • Explore two powerful ways to grow your network and get in front of other people’s audiences – getting booked on podcasts and hosting workshops and/or speeches.

And remember – you have lifetime access to the online course curriculum. Which means you can go back and re-watch, re-listen, and dive deeper on your own time, anytime, forever.

I do this with many of the life-changing business courses I’ve invested in over the years. Especially the ones that include mindset & sales training (which together make up more than 1/3 of this program!). I love listening to those audios and role plays over and over again to help me stay in the “high vibe” energy and content that transformed my life & business.

I listen while I’m getting ready in the morning, while going for walks, in the car, in the bath. (And you can too! :)

This is not just a 10-module business coaching program. It's an investment that will pay dividends for many years to come.

How It Works

This course is 100% online.

It consists of 10 in-depth training modules, with between 5-8 short videos in each module. Some are just a few minutes, and others are more in depth. I’ve kept everything as short and concise as possible, to make it easy for you to learn and get right into action.

You’ll also get instant access to the Pre-Program Videos and Modules 1-10, plus the Bonus “Business in a Box” Module and other bonuses.

You have unlimited replays and lifetime access to the course curriculum.

The content in this program is easily worth $10,000.

But that’s not what you’ll pay when you enroll today.

This course is priced at $2222 or you can choose our extended payment plan option of 8 monthly payments of $311.

If you have any questions, check out the FAQs section below. If you don’t see your question answered there, feel free to email questions@followyouraliveness.com.


Q: I haven’t started a business yet. Is this right for me?

A: Absolutely. My recommendation is to think about it like you’re starting a project, instead of starting a business. This helps take the pressure and overwhelm out of things. Pick ONE idea and see it through for 90 days, and you’ll have so much more clarity at the end of those three months. You’ll either know that “Yes, I want to do this!” Or, “Nope, this isn’t it.” But either way you’ll be SO much further along than you were before.

And if Option A isn’t it? By going through the Simplified Business Bootcamp, you’ll have all the clarity & skills you need to shift gears quickly and make Option B a huge success. I’ve seen this time and time again in my coaching clients. Don’t let over-thinking, over-analyzing or perfectionism get in the way of your success. To get a different result, you have to do something different. That’s what this course is all about.

Q: I’ve been in business for a while. Is this going to be too basic for me?

A: Let me ask you this… Are you having consistent $5K-$10K+ months? Do you have a clear and effective system for finding & enrolling clients that is working, month after month? Are you feeling clear, confident, and consistently in action to move your business forward?

If you answered YES to all three of these questions, then this program may not be right for you. However, if you’re seeing some gaps between where you are and where you want to be, then you will absolutely get value out of this program. In fact, if you’re anything like some of my “seasoned” entrepreneur clients who have applied the Simplified Business System in the past, you are very likely to catch on super quickly – and start getting results FAST.

Q: What can I expect from this course?

A: Clear guidance. A step-by-step plan to help you grow your soulful, service-based business. Mindset upgrades. Clarity. Momentum. Increased confidence. A container of love, support and belief.

Q: When does the course begin?

A: This self-study course is designed to be completed on your own time. I recommend doing 1 module per week, for a total of ~90 days. Or you can stretch it out and do 1 module every 2 weeks over 6 months. It’s completely up to you!

Q: Are you offering payment plans?

A: Yes! I want this program to be accessible to as many people as possible, so we have a special extended payment plan option available. You’ll find the payment plan options when you click the link to sign up.

Q: Can you guarantee specific results?

A: I have personally used the principles and strategies in this program to build a $150K per year marketing business, and a $500K per year coaching business. Many of our clients have applied the “Simplified Business System” to create incredible results (you can read & watch some of their stories in their own words on this page). However, as we have no way of knowing if or how you will apply what you are learning in this program, we cannot guarantee your results. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students.

I’m in… how do I get started?

You have 2 different options for joining this program:


If you want to go through the program on your own time, choose the Self-Study option at checkout. This gives you lifetime access to the curriculum, plus recordings of past live sessions.


(or 8 pmts of $311)

VIP Support

If you want everything in the Self-Study program, plus 2.5 hours of 1:1 coaching with Makena (for more than 50% off her normal private coaching rates), choose the VIP Support option.


(or 8 pmts of $444)

Note: I typically run a LIVE version of this program 1-2 times per year. This includes 10-12 weeks of live group coaching calls. If you enroll in either of the options above, you’ll be able to join the next Live Group for a small additional fee when the time comes. I recommend getting started today – and having this as an option for additional support if you want it.

Want to chat with Makena before you sign up?

Email questions@followyouraliveness.com to request a 20-min call with Makena.