Release what no longer serves…

and get the clarity & confidence

to birth the New You

Replay available now.



Release what no longer serves… and get the clarity & confidence to birth the New You

Replay available now.

Whatever death & rebirth you’re going through – a career pivot, life transition, or business/brand reinvention – I’ve got you.


You may be:

  • Feeling like something needs to change – yet you’re afraid to rock the boat and mess up the things that are working.
  • Already in the midst of a big shift – and you’re feeling scared, confused, and exhilarated all at the same time.
  • Wishing you had more clarity about where you’re headed – and the confidence to go ALL IN.


After going through my last big death and rebirth, I realized there are predictable stages to this process.


I created the Rebirth Roadmap™ to help you shorten the time you spend “in the mush” of confusion and uncertainty… so you can step fully into the New You and the incredible life that’s waiting for you.

Sign Me Up!

Whatever death & rebirth you’re going through – a career pivot, life transition, or business/brand reinvention – I’ve got you.


You may be:

  • Feeling like something needs to change – yet you’re afraid to rock the boat and mess up the things that are working.
  • Already in the midst of a big shift – and you’re feeling scared, confused, and exhilarated all at the same time.
  • Wishing you had more clarity about where you’re headed – and the confidence to go ALL IN.


After going through my last big death and rebirth, I realized there are predictable stages to this process.


I created the Rebirth Roadmap™ to help you shorten the time you spend “in the mush” of confusion and uncertainty… so you can step fully into the New You and the incredible life that’s waiting for you.

You will walk away with:


  • A clear vision of the person you’re stepping into – how (s)he feels, how (s)he walks through the world, and the kind of life (s)he leads.
  • A deeper understanding of what you’re letting go of – so you can release it fully, quickly, and forever.
  • A step-by-step roadmap to navigate your “death & rebirth” – so you can identify where you are on the journey and move through the remaining stages rapidly. 


You will feel lighter… clearer… and more confident.

You will walk away with:


  • A clear vision of the person you’re stepping into – how (s)he feels, how (s)he walks through the world, and the kind of life (s)he leads.
  • A deeper understanding of what you’re letting go of – so you can release it fully, quickly, and forever.
  • A step-by-step roadmap to navigate your “death & rebirth” – so you can identify where you are on the journey and move through the remaining stages rapidly. 


You will feel lighter… clearer… and more confident.

Are you ready to meet the New You?

Are you ready to meet the New You?

What kind of death & rebirth cycle

are you going through?

A career pivot.

Starting a business.

Pivoting in my

current business.

A re-brand.

Reinventing myself.

Changing the way I

approach my life & work

A life transition.

A breakup or divorce.

Closing an old chapter

and starting anew.

What kind of death & rebirth cycle are you going through?

A career pivot.

Starting a business.

Pivoting in my

current business.

A re-brand.

Reinventing myself.

Changing the way I

approach my life & work

A life transition.

A breakup or divorce.

Closing an old chapter

and starting anew.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Join me and an incredible group of people from around the world for this life-changing 2-hour virtual workshop.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Join me and an incredible group of people from around the world for this life-changing 2-hour virtual workshop.